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Nov 11, 2023
#移民英国居住必知🇬🇧 【🏠英国居住楼宇必知事项:NHBC Buildmark 10年保险✔️】安装智能家居会有影响?
近年都有唔少人移民到英国,不论买新楼或者租新楼必定遇到以下呢样野? NHBC Buildmark Insurance呢样都系必需要留意慨一样事项~ 因为不论你租新楼定买新楼,都有机会要装修~ 而英国慨新屋有80%具有NHBC(英国国家房屋建筑委员会)慨10年保险(Build...
Nov 11, 2023
【Debunking the Myth of Installing Solar Panels to Offset High Energy Bills in the UK🧐】
As energy bills in the UK continue to rise, many people are searching for ways to save on their energy costs. One popular solution that...
Nov 11, 2023
【♻️Transitioning to renewable energy can help to save the world?】
♻️When it comes to environmental protection and reducing carbon emissions, one cannot help but mention the use of renewable energy....
Nov 11, 2023
【How to access your electricity consumption data if you don't have a Smart Meter?】
Many people have been asking💬 " Do I need a Smart Meter to check my electricity consumption?" and "Isn't it inconvenient to apply for...
Nov 11, 2023
【Can Heat Pumps Help You Save Money on Your Electricity Bill?🔋】
💁🏻♀️Have You Heard of Heat Pumps? With the UK government banning the sale of gas boilers after 2035, heat pumps are being promoted as...
Nov 11, 2023
【♻️Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle Vibe🌱】
10 Tips for Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle Vibe Did you know that the UK is ranked as the 10th most environmentally sustainable and...
Nov 11, 2023
【🌐 Home Automation- Anything it can do for us?】
It is a question many people may ask. Home automation, which is enabled through the use of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, allows...
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